Tetris in HTML and Javascript
First, I saw the documentary Ecstacy of Order. Then I thought of great things, like building 3D Tetris in HTML5 canvas. I started it, just typing away, of course only Vanilla JS. But after a few hours, having the simple Tetris basics covered, I got bored and stopped.
But wait, there's still hope! I thought I could write a post about me thinking of awesome stuff, getting the basics working and then never finishing it. So I started typing this post, but halfway through, I decided that the basics are good enough. And that the basics are worth posting too.
Sorry if I disappointed you. Have fun reading the code ;) The gameplay is not that interesting.
The controls are A & Z for rotating, < and > for moving. You can also use your cursor keys if you use Firefox. Didn't test it in IE, btw. ↩︎